The modern wine box printing is very popular in all of us,Is popular among consumers,It can be seen that wine box packaging is very important in life now,No matter when the packaging we need will appear to make an endorsement for your product,Add a lot of colors to Contact: Ava Mobile / Whatsapp: 0086- 13760600787
With the development of society, the printing technology of our packaging is also in an increasing development.Not afraid of any shortcomings,When we design the wine box, we design it according to each different product,Here we all need a good package of your products,In this way, your products will sell better,Our designers have had an in-depth understanding based on the flow of people in the real market,The finished product packaging is very easy to sell.No matter if your product is good or half, it will be sold very quickly,Only our company can make this kind of packing box.Now our company's business is to do the national market,To serve consumers,As long as you feel good, you can come to our company to make a wine packaging box model,You can also take you to our factory to see how our technicians make it.
Alcohol packaging production①, visual performance;②, Stereo renderings;③ The unique design effect and production packaging design of the container shape are different from other graphic designs.Although the design was carried out on the unfolded drawing of the package,Is a flat visual effect,The finished product is three-dimensional.①, three-dimensional renderings;②, model performance;③, printing materials, packaging materials, editing, product packaging is an important part of the product,Not only does it play a protective role during transportation,And directly related to the overall quality of the product.
Risun-Print is a pre-press strategy,design and print,Printing consulting professional technical service enterprise,After 18 years of experience, has accumulated rich practical and won a high reputation in the market.Designers with more than ten years of experience will provide customers with one-stop design and printing services from a unique perspective and constant thinking and innovation capabilities.
Production and development of wine packaging boxes, serialized packaging design.For technical elements to truly meet the standards of green packaging,Just relying on the above 4 points is not perfect,Green packaging technology is also needed as a supplement.The technical elements mentioned here include equipment in packaging design.Process, energy and technology used.And the so-called green technology,Means to reduce pollution,Reduce consumption,Technical system to control pollution or improve ecology.The technical elements of green packaging design include the following:The processing equipment and energy used must be environmentally friendly,Does not produce gas, liquid, light, heat, smell, etc. that are harmful to the environment.The pollution production process and production process do not use low energy consumption equipment for the environment.No harmful substances are produced in the production process;In order to meet all customer needs.The company's design concept of "smart in heart, simple in shape",Intimate service establishes good cooperative relations with many well-known enterprises,With excellent quality,prices at a good value,Perfect service dedicated to customers.