The increasing demand for wine box packaging has created more and more wine box packaging manufacturers,After the number increases, it is difficult to avoid unqualified wine box packaging factories.Often this part of the manufacturers will miserable their customers,This is why Risun-Print has recently encountered such a customer.The customer found another factory to order,The price is not very cheap.But the box made is really unacceptable,Not only is the material very poor, it feels particularly soft,And the edging is very rough,The overall effect is particularly poor.Customers originally spent money on making wine boxes just for high-end effects,The resulting wine box is not as good as the card box.Finally, for brand image and sales business,Only one wine box packaging box manufacturer can do it again.This didn't find us Risun-Print,At that time, our Risun-Print professionals were very angry when they saw the box.The good box is so ruined.If the workmanship was good,Although the material is a bit poor, it will still look good.In the end, Risun-Print made completely different boxes with the same price and the same material.Completely subverted the customer's perception.
Finally, the customer signed a contract with us,It also means that all the wine boxes in the back are handed over by Risun-Print,This is also the biggest trust for our Risun-Print wine box packaging manufacturers.As a wine box packaging manufacturer with 18 years of experience,Risun-Print has always regarded it as one industry,It is our aim to do every wine box well.
Therefore, it is very important to choose a reliable and formal factory to customize the wine box packaging!
Our Risun-Print provides more than just some surface technology,But advanced technical equipment,Is more supporting value-added services;And later integrated seamless docking production servicesCompleted in "Overall Solution and One-stop Service Solution",Let users truly save time, effort, and money, and return with Contact: Ava Mobile / Whatsapp: 0086- 13760600787